I love a good story and I bet you do, too. I especially like exciting stories, but also funny stories and different stories, real stories and mystery stories. I’ll never get to sleep reading all those! But I can put them in a heap by my bed or in the bookcase and read them one by one – and then again.
I very much like writing stories and poems. I was ten when I had my first story published. It was about “Sammy Centipede” who had 100 pairs of shoes which he had to clean every day before he could go out! If I’d written about a millipede, she would NEVER have got out, would she?
I enjoy many other activities too: dancing, tramping, gardening, swimming. The list is endless. But I get ideas to inspire my writing from these activities. Not long ago I went to Ghana where I learnt to drum. Now there’s an idea for a book!