Decodable books and resources for use with a structured literacy program
The Sunshine Phonics Decodable Series is an evidence-based, synthetic phonics program which is aligned with the latest Science of Reading and Science of Learning research. Through explicit teaching, students are taught the foundational alphabet code-breaking skills that are essential for success in reading, spelling and writing.
Key Features
- 180 fully decodable books including fiction and non-fiction
- Follows a systematic progression for learning the phonemes and the graphemes that represent them
- Clear, simple font that is appropriately sized and easy to read
- Full colour illustrations and quality photographs
- Well-spaced text and the right balance of text and images on each page
- Teachers’ Books with explicit teaching plans and activity sheets – download a sample here
- Digital versions of all texts available – visit here
- Comprehensive Assessment Kit – free download here
- Many supporting resources – free downloads here
The print program is arranged over two Series – Series 1 and Series 2. Both Series follow a virtually identical teaching sequence, with the difference being that Series 1 contains 70 reading books with 2 Teachers Books, and Series 2 takes a slightly slower approach and comprises 110 reading books and 3 Teachers’ Books.
Series 1 & 2, Sets 1 to 3 (Foundation – Simple Code)
- Introduce all consonants and short vowels
- Cover 23 phonemes of English
- Focus on predominantly VC and CVC words with a few tricky (non decodable) words
- 10 reading books per Set per Series, total 60 books
- 1 x Teachers’ Book covering Series 1, Sets 1-3
- 1 x Teachers’ Book covering Series 2, Sets 1-3
Series 1 Sets 4-5, Series 2 Sets 4-5 (Year 1 – Complex Code)
- Introduce 20 new phonemes of English
- Introduce consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs and trigraphs
- 1 x Teachers’ Book covering Series 1, Sets 4-7
Series 2, Sets 6-7 (Year 1 – Consolidation)
- Provide practice and consolidation in blending adjacent consonants with short and long vowels.
- 10 reading books per set, total 20 books
- 1 x Teachers’ Book covering Series 2, Sets 4-7
Series 1, Sets 6-7, Series 2, Sets 8-11 (Year 2 – Extended Code)
- Introduce many new graphemes (spellings) for known phonemes
- Cover all 44 phonemes of English
- 10 reading books per set, total 60 books
- 1 x Teachers’ Book covering Series 1, Sets 4-7
- 1 x Teachers’ Books covering Series 2, Sets 8-11