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The books were cost effective and from the week of exposure my students had to them, they were engaged and loved the illustrations and stories. Great resource for building my classroom decodable library as well as confident little readers!      Lucy M


Very comprehensive series. Unlike many other decodables, the illustrations are fantastic and make them look like ‘real’ books. The kids can engage with them easily.
St John Vianney’s, VIC


The books are bright and clear in design. Young children like reading them and they are very useful for practicing decoding when teaching a structured sequence of phonics.
St Joseph’s, VIC


The best part is that the kids get success. They can read the books quite quickly and they reinforce the phonics taught in class.
Lavington Primary, NSW


I like the way the same characters feature in the books. The books are engaging.
Lal Lal Primary, VIC


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